A non profit organization committed to Creating Umeed -spreading THE POWER OF Hope. Umeed involves both optimism and a can-do attitude, it is the belief that our future will be better than the present and that WE have the ability to make it happen. Hope helps people to better cope with difficult or stressful times and adapt better to life situations that are demanding and daunting

This CORE PHILOSOPHY of Umeed has its deep root in “Hope Theory,” a positive psychology concept that we have believed in and founder trustee Ms Salony Priya practiced for last twenty-five years in her personal and professional life .

UMEED Foundation strives with its various initiatives to Build HOPE in people and in society at large!

Hope is most important in life - People with hope don’t just wish for something good to happen – they have a concrete plan to make it happen. Hope reduces feelings of helplessness, increases happiness, reduces stress, and improves our quality of life. With this vision Umeed Foundation has an endeavour to reach out to the unreached; creating possibilities and pathways to success.

Snyder as a positive psychology proponent studied how hope and forgiveness can impact several aspects of life such as health, work, education, and personal meaning. Umeed Foundation inspired by Synder’s research creates Empowering trainings, Educational camps and promotes Environmental education with view of creating a more sustainable Man, Nature connect in the maddening world of Man and machine where many basic Human aspects of happiness are being lost. In chaotic environments hope is transcended without cultural or religious boundaries, through creative education and psycho-social assistance

Umeed Foundation is dedicated to the cause of creating the three E ways for this large mass of people, the unreached being a bridge – and help the individuals and organizations to have


Approaching life in a goal-oriented way with knowledge and faith.


Finding different ways to achieve your goals with resilience.


Collaborating with belief that you can ignite change and achieve these goals with like minded people and organizations.

Hope is a key concept in most major world religions, depending on the religion, hope can be seen as a prerequisite for and/or by product of spiritual attainment

Umeed strives to reach out to people and communities and create this hopeful state of mind that is based on a belief in positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large.

Umeed is committed to give people & communities energy, and support through Counselling, mentoring and coaching to keep fighting against dejection, hopelessness and despair.