A non-profit organization committed to Creating Umeed-spreading THE POWER OF HOPE. Umeed involves both optimism and a can-do attitude, it is the belief that our future will be better than the present and that WE have the ability to make it happen. Hope helps people to better cope with difficult or stressful times and adapt better to life situations that are demanding and daunting.
This CORE PHILOSOPHY of Umeed has its deep root in “Hope Theory,” a positive psychology concept that we have believed in and founder trustee Ms Salony Priya practiced for last twenty-five years in her personal and professional life.
UMEED Foundation strives with its various initiatives to Build Hope in people and in society at large!
Hope is most important in life-People with hope don't just wish for something good to happen – they have a concrete plan to make it happen. Hope reduces feelings of helplessness, increases happiness, reduces stress, and improves our quality of life. With this vision Umeed foundation has an endeavour to reach out to the unreached, creating possibilities and pathways to success.
of human resource with special focus on girls & women - trainings, capacity building initiatives with NGO sector, orphanages, shelter homes, etc.
to reach the most unreached and build hope with wholistic, life skill educational programmes for academic, vocational, sports, cultural education to create a harmonious existence of Head, Heart and Hand for truly educated young minds.
building sensitivity and consciousness in people through advocacy campaigns and supporting environmental projects so that we leave a beautiful world for the next generation.